Friday, September 17, 2010

Landscaping…Things to come

Jay and his landscaping crew started building a composting station just beyond the 6’ mulch strip in the back yard. The plan is to create a place for composting our lawn and garden waste that is hidden from view yet easily accessible. The planting beds and lawn areas at the “L” Shaped House are specifically designed to minimize  the amount of waste generated but having our own easy supply of composted dirt makes sense and fits right in with our sensitive and reasonable approach to being good stewards of this wonderful property.

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The next photo shows a stone that has recently departed on what will be a long journey from Hedberg’s Plymouth yard to the front yard of the “L” Shaped House. Our new friend Janey Westin of Edina is taking delivery of this beautiful stone and plans to spend the winter carving a mysterious Runic message in it’s face. Next summer we will set it in place in at the bottom of the hill in front of the house and watch as the fun begins…

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