Friday, October 16, 2015

Minnesota Native Prairie 2.0

After completing construction and moving into the “L” Shaped House in late 2010 we turned our attention to the yard and landscaping. From the very beginning of this big adventure we have had a master plan for the landscaping and plants (see it here). An integral part of this plan is the native Minnesota meadow extending to the street in the front yard.




Now that we have seen the results of three complete growing seasons we invited Matt Wolfe back to assess the progress toward our goal of having a native prairie meadow yard and engaged him to supervise the planning and planting of  “Native Prairie Meadow 2.0” at the “L” Shaped House.

I have taken to describing the results of our original planting efforts as having been… “largely Successful”

  • 60% of the plants came in perfectly
  • 20% of the plants grew “reasonably” well
  • 20% of the plants did not make it

Unfortunately three big sections of grasses planted in the meadow region of the front yard fall into the 20% of plantings that did not make it at all. This has resulted in an especially obvious bare area right out front for the last year. Matt is convinced that a combination of more shade than expected in the front yard combined with inadequate  irrigation coverage is at the “root” of our troubles. Deb and Helen think that Phil made friends with the geese instead of chasing them away and that they ate all the sweet grass together.  No matter the cause… we are forging ahead with Minnesota Meadow 2.0!