Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What’s with the “L”

A house needs a name. The “L” shaped house is nice name for a blog but for a house?…not so much.

Our current home in adorned with a Viking Shield as a celebration of our Nordic heritage. All who happen upon it are amazed (or so I’m told).


In keeping with this tradition (while recognizing not everyone shares in my enthusiasm for the Shield) I propose that we name our new home using the Nordic Rune “Logr” (pronounced Log-are). This seems appropriate on many levels.

  • Logr is the rune symbol for the letter “L” (…“L” shaped house…)
  • Logr has been translated to mean “water” (…nice pond across the street…)
  • The Logr rune “celebrates” our shared Nordic heritage
  • Runes have been elevated in our household for some time (…Runescape…)
  • And how about this…The Logr Blog

As an added bonus the Rune Logr is represented by this very nice symbol…
