Friday, August 28, 2009

Plumbing…The plan

Digging up the basement floor confirmed that the existing sewer connection is in nice shape. We knew the sewer had been upgraded sometime after the home was built in 1942 but before The Danielson’s bought it in 1978. The main line goes out the front of the house as a 4 inch PVC pipe and looks good. Paul and the plumbers have put together a plan that will look something like the sketch below (I’ll update it as soon as Paul corrects my work and Helen is done complaining that she is out of the decision making loop).

Basement Plumbing 3

The dungeon-like atmosphere that is the basement today (this will make a great “before” picture).

Oh!…for those of you paying really close attention to the blog…Happy 100th Posting !!!

100 mph