Monday, August 10, 2009

Blog Questions…and Tutorial

I’ve had a few persistent questions about the blog that I think merit explanation and this little tutorial.

Question: “Why are the newest entries at the top of the page?”

Answer: “That’s the way blogs work”… A user would not want to have scroll all the way to the bottom to see the newest posting.

Question: “Why do you keep adding stuff to the blog (like…Followers, Labels, etc.)?”

Answer: “The new items are fun and interesting”… The Followers block lets people sigh up and be alerted when a new item is added, the Labels block lets users sort and then view only the stuff they are interested in. I’ll almost certainly add more gadgets and blocks to the blog in the future.

Question: “Why do you have a blog at all?”

Answer: “If you find yourself asking this question you will never really understand”.

Blog tutorial 2