Thursday, October 1, 2009

Framing…Day 21

The Tappe guys moved down the basement early this morning. By noon they had pretty much the whole lower level framed and the stairs in place. The first photo shows the basement stairway with the doorway to the bathroom on the right. On the far left we catch only our second glimpse (in 152 blog entries) of our camera shy construction supervisor…Paul Winters.

The next photo shows the South and East walls of the storage room with the water meter and sewer main at the bottom right hand side. Here you can see the insulation and joint taping just behind the wall framing. The end wall is only insulated in the section where the outside wall is exposed. This allows us to “crowd” the wall right up the the block wall where the furnace will sit.

The last couple of photos show the walls adjacent the basement walk-out door. The first shows how the framing is set up to provide a contingency for recessed cabinetry in this wall down the road. The last one shows how the wet conditions outside keep trying make it inside the “L” Shaped House…Yuck!