Friday, October 2, 2009

Winning the Water Wars…

Paul’s battle against the rain water has finally turned in our favor. The rains finally let up around noon and the JLM landscape guys showed up to lend a helping hand. Paul and the crew drained the big pond, dug a set of water channels, set a plywood dam, and got a bucket sump working. The first photo shows the battlefield with the bucket sump and plywood dam protecting the open doorway.

The next photo shows a close up of the water channels and the sump bucket outside the walk-out door. The third photo is a shot showing the newly installed drain tile sump after Paul pumped about 10” of water from the basket. It’s nice to see that the system works although I was hoping not to have to use it this early in the home building project.

The last photo shows the view from inside the basement walk-out door. Paul and the guys spent a fair amount of effort cleaning up the basement floor after building the defensive perimeter. It certainly feels good to have a couple of lines of defense in place in case we get another onslaught of rain!