Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Plumbing…Day 8

Jeremy has finished up almost all of the PVC waste lines. The plumbing is split into two main waste lines that run into the basement floor. The first photo shows the waste line that comes down the East end of the house draining the first and second floor bathrooms and laundries, and the kitchen and mudroom. This line breaks the plane of the floor in the utility room and connects to the main beneath the basement floor. The second photo shows the waste line that comes down the West end of the house that drains the master bath sink, toilet, and shower. It breaks the plane of the basement floor in the first closet in the guest bedroom. Each waste line has a clean-out just above the floor.

The next photo shows the PVC plumbing in the open web trusses in the crawl space beneath the first floor laundry room and bath. All of the waste from the East end of the house ends up in the 4” waste line at the left.

After finishing the PVC waste lines Jeremy is starting on the water feeds. The “L” Shaped House is going to contain an interesting mix of PVC, Copper, and PEX (plastic) pipes. The first order of business is an “assembly line” to make up the copper connections for the various faucets with PEX fittings on the back ends.