Thursday, April 29, 2010

Landscaping…The Driveway (day 2)

As a part of the preparations for the final landscaping and grading we are trimming some trees, clearing some brush, and grinding some old tree stumps. The first photo shows the area in front of the garage after thinning the buckthorn along the property line. There is an old tree stump (at the yellow arrow) from a giant Elm the Danielson’s must have cut down a very long time ago that will have to go.

B Landscaping 65

Our tree guy has also taken two limbs from a big Bass Wood (on the left) behind the power pole in the back yard. One limb was dead…the other split to the ground and leaning precariously toward the power pole. We are also having him remove a big pile of “tree waste” (four to five trees worth) from a spot just beyond the outlet of our look-out drains from the basement walk-out patio. The last photo shows the view back towards the house from the the drains with most of the tree waste removed.