Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Landscaping…The Driveway

At long last the final grading and driveway construction is getting underway. The first order of business is clearing the site in preparation for the grading equipment. The final landscaping plan calls for removing two additional trees…a California Norway maple at the street and a small crabapple adjacent the breezeway entrance.

One persistent question has been…“is there really enough room to get a car into the garage”. The next two photos showing the area in front of the garage after clearing away some of the buckthorn and spreading the dirt piles left behind by the excavation give a much better view of the area where the drive will be installed.


The tree guys plan to be back tomorrow to grind the stumps and remove some downed tree waste in the forest beyond the back yard. Andy and the JLM landscape guys will then set the final grade and install the base.


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