Sunday, July 11, 2010

Landscaping…Weekend driveway report

I tried over the weekend to get a few photos that show the progress and capture the beauty of the paver driveway. The sheer scale of the driveway makes getting the whole surface in one photo completely out of the question (aerial photography…perhaps?). Each of these three shots show the paver surface from a little different perspective. The first shows the driveway from the second floor laundry room window.

Next is an extreme panoramic shot from the East property line made from six individual photos stitched together in Adobe Photoshop. The photo actually does a pretty good job of capturing the “feel” in this section of the driveway despite the obvious distortions.

The last photo shows the driveway from the center of Cottage Lane. Here we see that Jay and his crew pushed the paver surface down the hill to a point just above the rain garden. This last section of the driveway will “pitch” to the East (3%) to ensure that the runoff from the hard surfaces runs into the retention “pond”.