Monday, June 7, 2010

Landscaping…Day 28

Jay and his crew worked landscaping around the last two corners of the “L” Shaped House. The first photo shows the front corner of the house with the new planting beds on both sides of the stairs to the deck filled with plants. The planting bed in front “bulges” out into the yard and will have a flagstone path running through it connecting the sidewalk to the formal grass yard out front.

The next photo is a straight-on shot of the front porch from the middle of the driveway. Here we can see the two dogwood pagoda trees on both sides and the purple hydrangeas lining the walkway.

The video below shows Jimmy precisely placing one of the landscaping boulders at the outlet of the PVC gutter drain that “looks-out”  into the hill in the middle of the planting bed.

The last photo shows the planting bed at the back end of the garage. We plan to have a flagstone path running in-between the two pine trees connecting the limestone path on the right to the service door on the end wall of the garage.