Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Drain Tile…Day 5

The Slettens have the drain tile installed all the way around the basement and have are busy preparing to pour the concrete floor. The first photos show the drain tile (pipe) and the trenching prior to installation. The fabric lines the trench before the the rock is added.


The next photo shows the completed drain tile trench as it makes its way past the water meter and new floor drain toward the East end of the basement…


This photo shows both ends of the drain tile pipe terminating into the sump basket located below the entrance to the crawl space. The drain tile system in the crawl space will be connected the PVC fitting beside the sump basket.

The next photo shows trenches dug into the basement that will will be filled with concrete as the floor is poured and become footings for the stairway supports.

JLM’s skid steer brings rock for the drain tile and fill for the floor around the back end of the house and right into the basement. The basement should be ready for cement later this week. The Slettens plan to pour the floor in two sections with the joint running just East of the of the basement walk-out door.