Thursday, September 24, 2009


The excavating crew came back today to do a couple of jobs including a semi-finish grading of the front and East side of the “L” Shaped House. They added some fill around the foundation and spent some time working on the grading in front of the breezeway and garage. The first photo shows the freshly graded front corner of the house.

We want to have a close look at the grade along the East side of the “L” Shaped House as we decide exactly how to deal with the stairs to the breezeway. This photo shows the breezeway entrance and the grade in front of the garage. The whole East side of the house looks different with most of the dirt left over from the original excavating spread around and the grade transitions better defined.

The last photo shows the grade around the back side of the garage. It looks like the choices Paul made earlier related to the garage floor height and grade are going to work well. The pitch to the maple tree seems fine and the transition to the opposite side works nicely.