Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Framing…Days 5 & 6

The morning of day six is a crane day a The “L” Shaped House. The Tappe crew built wall sections for the both stairwells yesterday (day 5) and hoisted them into place early this morning. They are also placing all of the upper floor trusses on the first floor walls. This is going to be one of those days when the worksite is totally transformed. The first photo (taken from the big dirt pile out front) shows the two new wall sections standing tall above the first floor walls while the crane lowers first load of floor trusses on the far end of the garage.

The next photo shows the back wall of the main staircase being set in place on the foundation wall.


This photo shows the back side of The “L” Shaped House with both the garage and main staircase walls in place.


A photo of the garage stairwell walls and the Tappe construction crane in action.

A shot of the garage interior that shows the stairwell walls, some of the upper level floor trusses sitting on the big staircase header, and the steel “I” beam that is now in place between the third and fourth garage stalls.

The photo here (taken at noon today) shows the view from the breezeway entrance to the kitchen with the newly installed second floor trusses above. The beginnings of the stairway landing is just visible on the right hand side.