Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Landscaping…Day 19 (evening report)

I stopped by the “L” Shaped House on my way home to check in on the progress made by Jay and his landscaping crew this afternoon. It’s always difficult to capture “big picture” items like landscaping so I decided to make a panoramic series of the day’s events. The first shot shows the driveway from the back corner after the landscaping crew compacted the soils with the Benford roller. They plan to start installing the 8” crushed limestone base tomorrow morning.

Today’s earlier posting included a view of the back yard from the music room after Jay and his crew completed their cleanup along the edge of the forest. This photo shows the view from the opposite corner of the yard looking back toward the music room. Jay and his crew have significantly cleaned up area around the power pole and made some necessary repairs to the silt fence.

The last two photos show the new paver patio just beyond the breezeway deck. It looks like Jay and his crew got most of the “soldier course” around the perimeter and about half of the patio area pavers installed. The patio looks great and will be a very nice addition to the back yard at the “L” Shaped House!