Thursday, May 27, 2010

Landscaping…Day 25

Jay and the landscaping crew are spending the day finishing up as much of the grading, planting and mulching they can as they prepare to leave the site of the “L” Shaped House for a few days. They plan to return to continue the planting across the front yard as soon as Paul and the painters finish up a few details . The panoramic photo of the front of the house does a nice job of showing how Jay has set the final grade across the front. He has removed the dirt piles and has the final contour (mostly) set from the music room on the left to the new driveway on the right.

The planting crew has made their way up the boulder field from the basement walk-out and around the music room to the front of the house. As they move across these areas it is as though they are painting with a wide brush dipped in green growing goodness (whoa…I better watch it here!).

The last photo shows the front corner of the “L” Shaped House as they complete the finish grading. Jay has installed the limestone base for the sidewalk that will connect the stairs on the end of the deck to the driveway. This walkway will become the entrance to the front of the house as we have decided to eliminate the stairs off the front of the porch in favor of more greenery (we could add them later). The white stakes mark the ends of a PVC sleeve for irrigation running under the walkway.


mkloti said...

My humble opinion: the vertical trim boards on either side of the walk-out door should be gray amd "go away". -MK