Monday, May 24, 2010

Landscaping…Day 22

Jay and his crew have really pushed the landscaping along since they arrived about a week ago. The (really warped) panoramic photo below taken from the neighbors back yard shows the music room end of the “L” Shaped House with three landscaping  projects underway in the background. I specifically included this shot to show the grading at the top of the old driveway that has housed dumpsters since last summer. Jay has cleaned up the area and filled it in with dirt removed as he cut in the new driveway on the other side of the front yard.

In the photo above you can see the trench for plastic edging as it winds toward the front yard. The two photos below the trenching and edging installation process underway. First; the trenching machine digging around the end of the music room. Second; the landscaping crew anchoring the plastic edging and the serpentine ribbon of edging disappearing into the distance. The plastic edge will serve as the dividing line between mulch on the left and low-mow turf on the right. 

In the next photo Matt Wolf (blue shirt) adjusts one of the tree stakes as he and one of the landscape guys work to get all the trees staked out and standing “proud”. The fifth photo is “surprise” for those of you who have read this far…The landscaping plants have arrived at the site of the “L” Shaped House.

The curtain-sided Gertens Nursery truck arrived just as I was about leave at around 1:00 pm this afternoon. About three quarters of our nursery order was on board and the JLM landscaping guys were busily unloading everything as I left.
