Thursday, May 13, 2010

Painting…Day 47

Rick and the Carmichael Decorating crew spent the day carefully un-wrapping the some of the areas on the first floor and painting walls in the basement. The first photo shows the front staircase after removing all of the masking after painting. The maple bookshelves and dark oak stairs look really nice with the white enamel trim and sherwood tan walls.


The next photo shows a wide shot of the basement family room after applying the first coat of lenox tan wall paint. Rick and his crew made it all the way around the basement with the first coat of paint before leaving late this afternoon and plan to be back to finish the walls tomorrow.

The next two photos show the doorways in the basement hall and the built-in media shelf  in the far front corner of the family room after the walls were painted in the lenox tan color.

The last two photos show the guest bedroom and basement bathroom after painting. The guest bedroom walls are painted in manchester tan…the bathroom walls in wethersfield moss.